How A Capsule Wardrobe Will Change Your Life


A capsule wardrobe is a person’s basic collection of coordinating clothes that can be used to form the basis of outfits for all occasions. In other words, it’s a mini wardrobe made up of (a dozen or so) extremely versatile pieces that you absolutely LOVE to wear.

The goal of a capsule wardrobe is to have a streamlined wardrobe of high-quality pieces that could be worn often and interchangeably, thereby saving money, closet space, and time.

To us, a capsule wardrobe represents more time and energy for what really matters (less time spent deciding what to wear/less time spent shopping/less time doing laundry or caring for clothes) more money for our dreams and helping others (less money spent on clothes that never get worn) and more contentment and happiness.

Below is a quick & dirty guide on how to get started on creating your own capsule wardrobe, and it shows how far just a few versatile and fundamental pieces can take you in life.

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